Sunday, March 27, 2011


What's a Hybrid Car?
 Any car that uses two or more sources of power to drive or provide propulsion is a hybrid car.  Hybrid cars are manufactured to run on both gas and electric motors. As the cars are run on their conventional gas engine, the bank of batteries that powers the electric motor side of the hybrid cars are automatically recharged.
Hybrid batteries help to reduce fuel emissions because the hybrid engine draws on the battery and not gasoline when accelerating.The battery needs not to be replaced like a normal car battery unless it is damaged by an accident etc. 
Hybrid gasoline motors can shut off when the car is stopped and run off their electricity.There is no need to plug a hybrid car to a recharging outlet, as is the case car with electric cars.It has a Quite and smooth run. Hybrid vehicles are quite and smooth while running because it combines two sources of power.

Hybrid Cars..........   
    Good for the environment.........

Good for the environment.........
Fossil fuels emit CO2 which results in global warming. And also fossil fuels emit lead products in combustion to the environment.But Hybrid batteries help to reduce fuel emissions because the hybrid engine draws on the battery and not gasoline when accelerating.
So Hybrid cars are good for the environment. They can reduce smog by 90 percent and they usefar less gasoline than conventional cars.

The hybrid cars can run more km's rather than cars use fossil fuels. Some hybrid vehicles run as twice km as what other normal petrol engine vehicles run. 
As an example, The user average actual fuel consumption of a DBA-NZT260 Allion is 13.6 km/l.Whereas new shape Prius DAA-ZVW30 run 23.2 km/l under actual conditions.

Famous Hybrid car Manufactures..........
  • Toyota
  • Ford
  • Honda
  • Nissan




